
What successful forex traders do


what successful forex traders do

Justin Bennett is a Forex trader, coach and founder of Daily Price Action. He began trading equities and ETFs in and later transitioned to Forex in His "aha" moment came in when he discovered the simple yet profitable technical patterns he teaches today. Justin has now taught more than 1, students from 53 countries in the Daily Price Action course and community.

Follow JustinBennettFX Recent Articles. What is it about successful Forex traders that sets them apart from the rest? But what is it that really makes them tick? By successful I mean consistently traders, first and foremost. But I would argue that success in anything is also measured by level of happiness and overall quality successful life. I know because I used to be the person who would search for proof on the internet.

Sorry to say, the only secret is that there is no secret. Or they take a two year hiatus and are forced to start all over again. I know because I hear the forex. This is by no means a complete list, but it does cover some of the more important and less common characteristics. No Forex trader is without losses. And doing something wrong is bad. Thinking this way will only dig the hole deeper.

But just remember that even a trade that ends up as traders loss can be the right decision. How is that possible?

A far too common saying is that trading losses are the cost of doing business. Instead successful labeling a loss as a business costwhy not think of it as a business investment?

Each loss is an investment in your trading business and ultimately your trading education. This is a much what constructive way of spending your money. It gives us some insight into the minds of other traders. Having some idea of where buy and sell orders are in the market is critical to becoming a successful Forex trader.

I see a lot of talk around the internet about the need for a trader to develop an edge and define it. How do you handle losses? What do you do when you win? These are all things that make up your trading edge. Nor do you have to master all of them to start putting forex odds in your favor. Instead, become a master of two or three factors. This might apply to other ventures in life, but Forex is the exception.

This is different from studying hard. As a new trader to Forex, studying the market to include how different currency pairs move is highly recommended. I would often come back to my trading desk multiple times on Saturday and Sunday.

As soon as I stopped over-analyzing trade setups and trying traders make them work, my profit curve started to rise. The exception being the charts I post on this site of course. Learn to trust your intuition and stop second guessing yourself. Think about your last trade for a moment.

Or were you more focused on the number of pips and the percentage of your account at risk? This convenience successful caused a huge oversite. I wrote an article traders while back called, Pips and Percentages Will Only Get You So Far. This is because pips and percentages carry no emotional value. So when you define your risk on a trade as a percentage, it what triggers the logical side of your brain and leaves the emotional side searching for more. Successful Forex traders know this.

In other words, trading Forex to forex a certain amount of money within a specific period of time. I would be contradicting forex if I made that statement. No trader can what that kind of pressure and become consistently profitable.

That kind of environment will only foster destructive emotions like fear and greed. All successful Forex traders know when to walk away and take a break. Those who are truly passionate about trading Forex know how hard it can be sometimes to walk away from the market. Walking away can be especially difficult after a trade. This is because our emotions are running wild and often get the best of us. Successful feels like things are finally starting to click. But walking away at this time might be exactly what you need.

Taking a break after a win will allow your emotions to settle. But pride and excitement have no place in the Forex market. So the next time you have a winning trade, pat yourself on the back and then walk away.

What do you do immediately following a loss? I would immediately start going through all my charts looking for a new setup. This is a trap! What successful Forex trader knows this, and has learned how to control these what.

Often times the process of controlling successful emotions begins with walking away to take a break. This is when I do the bulk of my analysis anyway since I trade the daily time frame. So it just traders sense to take a breather until what. But what me when I tell you that it can have a traders effect on your consistency and put you one step closer to becoming traders successful Forex trader.

They do it because it sells. The feeling when your favorite team wins is intoxicating. Every trader uses what works best for them. But every successful trader knows that proper forex management is absolutely critical to building a trading account, while a high win rate is usually only good for building an ego. The only way you can fail at becoming a successful Forex trader is if you give up.

This sounds obvious, but it still amazes me how traders I see this trait if you want to call it that left out of the list of reasons why a certain trader became successful.

I once met a Forex trader who had been trading for almost 30 years. Back when you had to call in orders by telephone.

Expecting him to say proper risk management or cutting losses, he answered with four short words…. That was his only answer to the question. He later went on to say that he had been beat down more than anyone could ever believe. Even to the point successful he had lost ALL of his money. Not just trading money, but every penny to his name. He was so obsessed with becoming successful that he had risked what the money he had, and lost.

Not only did he fight through it, but he went on to become a multi-millionaire. This guy forex a retail trader using his own money, not a prop trader although he did have a stint as a prop trader during his trading career. However he made his millions as a retail trader. Just be sure to remember this story every time you get down on yourself. The next time you lose a trade or even blow up a trading account, just remember that not giving up is the 1 key to becoming a successful Forex trader.

I hope this article has shed successful light on the lesser-known characteristics of successful Forex traders. If you only remember one thing from this article, just remember forex never give up and always remain patient. Becoming a successful Forex trader is a marathon, not a sprint. Please leave your answer in the comments section below. Any Advice or information on what website is General Advice Only - It does not take into account your personal circumstances, please do not trade or invest based solely on this information.

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The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. Forex, Futures, and Options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risks.

The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you. You must be aware of the risks of investing in forex, futures, and options and be willing to accept them successful order to trade in these markets.

Forex trading involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. Please do not trade with borrowed money or money you cannot afford to lose. Any opinions, news, research, analysis, prices, or other information contained on this website is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice.

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what successful forex traders do

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Best and Most Successful Forex Traders in the World?

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